You don't have to read anything further now. That's the secret to success and now you can go pursue your dreams. Still here?
Dream Big
You are here right now right at this moment to live life and enjoy the blessings of it. You can't be a taker forever as you must give back to this world. The best way to realize your purpose is by being a person of value or service. Serve people with what you are good at. Utilize your skills and talents to make this world a better place for the upcoming generation. Think of them and have long term perspective in achieving peace and success through service.
Think Small.
Big dreams can be intimidating. They can be scary and can hold you on the ground if you let it. This fear can be beaten with a shift in your paradigm. Instead of seeing the goal as a whole, chop them down into tiny bits of atomic particles that you can accomplish even now at this moment. When you have your tiny goals ready, wake up every single day enthusiastically to accomplish them. You know exactly what you want and how to get it. By thinking small, you are doing what is possible today to achieve the impossible tomorrow.
Act Now.
Let's face it. This is the hardest of all. I have seen people with a grand plan and end up living as a failure for failing to take action. You can never plan forever. Like pregnancy, you must give birth to your dreams and you can't hold it in you forever. You will lose peace of mind. Only you can do it and no one else can bear the struggle and pain for you. Only you can take action on your goal now. Fear is here to protect and warn you not to stop you. Whatever that you intend to do in life, you can accomplish now as long as you have lowered the risk despite the high uncertainty of achieving it. Your impact will be minimal or non-existent.
This is it.
Think Small
T. Mohanadasan
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